Burning Fossil fuels has familiarized us with the terms “Green house effect” and “Global Warming”. With the climbing prices of Oil, propane and electricity, people are searching for alternative solutions to their increasing heating bills. As consumers we are locked into paying whatever price a corporation extends (war time or peace time) for fossil fuel. Also, the extent of damage fossil fuels have on our environment includes it’s shipment (Remember Exxon Valdez). As scientist continue their research, we should change our ways to preserve environment rather than damage it further.
Burning cut timber is a source of energy that has been around since fire was discovered. Nature finds a way to burn off dead or dying trees using lightning and other forms of natural fire starters, to purge the dead and dying to make room for the new. You will probably remember a bear named “Smokey the Bear” and his message “Don’t Start Forest Fires”. You might be wondering where has he been. The US Forestry Service has realized that burning is a natural occurrence that is necessary to cycle trees and new growth. With Smokey’s help we immediately extinguished natural fires as soon as they started. What happened is that an excessive amount of dead trees and Depris built up on the forest floor, so when a fire finally began it was incredibly hot causing “healthy” trees to be destroyed as well and killing seeds and kept baby shoots from germinating. This caused a total devastation which takes years to heal. We’ve learned that control burning is the best way to prevent this.
Burning with a wood furnace has several advantages. First and most importantly to me is: “You’re not dependant on the oil, electric, propane or gas companies” You call the shots. If you desire to get your own wood, heating is free! You might have heard the saying “wood heats twice” The wood heats you when you’re getting it and heats your home as well. Let me tell you cutting and collecting iwood is not for the weak. It is a hard job but gets you into shape quickly and keeps you there and saves you money and time at the gym. If you feel like not cutting your own wood and still want to save about 50% or more, a phone to your local fire wood guy will do the trick! He will love you and save you some money from the next guy because you can burn all kinds of wood which he can’t pass off the fireplace guys. The fire wood guy has wood that has insects and pine wood and big old knots that can’t be split, tell him to bring it all and also let him know that you don’t need the wood split, just small enough for you to pick up. The length of the wood doesn’t really matter. He will be calling you twice a month and bringing beers and hanging out with you by your furnace. (This is experience talking) Secondly you help keep your little piece of heaven clean of debris and looking good. Thirdly I love providing for my family and giving them a warm house and hot water. Before my wood furnace my house was at 68 degrees and costing me $300 to $400 a month. When I got the wood furnace my heat went up to 74 degrees and it felt good knowing that I provided that. Another nice advantage is the hot water, you get free hot water as well that means long hot showers and it cost you a log or 2. We also heat my in-laws pool to 89 degrees in the the summer.